from where it started – A Survey conducted by VISA, the Payment Gateway Giant, in the year 2013, pegs India as one of the least Financially Literate countries in the world.
Recognizing the need of imparting Money Skills to kids and young adults, a bunch of enthusiastic entrepreneurs came together and embarked on this beautiful journey to build a Financially Literate India with an Entrepreneurial mindset.
came into existence with the objective of developing these core life skills in school going kids and young adults. We believe that these young minds will not only grow as individuals but will also contribute to building a nation of our dreams, a nationally recognized as an Economic Super Power, a Think Tank, and a Global Leader. Wise Chanakya talks to your child about earning, effective saving, investing, spending and giving. So, let us help by laying a foundation of smart, time-tested financial beliefs and habits. What they learn with us, they learn for life!