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WC Philosophy
Live Responsible Students

Live Responsibly

After hours and hours of confusing discussion we finally agreed on a philosophy for our organization “Live Responsibly”

What does Live Responsibly mean?

Living Responsibly means that you accept that you can create your own life and not just react to it. You appreciate that things happen for you and not to you.

Living responsibility allows you to choose how to respond to life’s challenges. You move into the driver seat of your life’s journey.

Living responsibly means small things done consistently.

• Taking Care of your thoughts and feelings is living responsibly

• Stopping to complain and blame is living responsibly

• Taking ownership is living responsibly

• Switching the light when you leave the room is also living responsibly

Our Stake holders are the students, parents & us. We envision our philosophy inspiring each stake holder in relation to other stake holders.

Wise Chanakya

• help kids & young adults to have the right mindset as regards money and people (towards kids)

• building an enterprise that can touch a billion lives (towards ourselves)

• share responsibility with parents in building the child’s life (towards parents)


• Be what they want the child to be / Role Models (towards child)

• Help others by enhancing the community (towards WC)

• Strive to be the best version of you (towards themselves)


• To take responsibility of their lives (towards self)

• To apply what they learn with us & contribute to the growth of the country (towards WC community)

•Appreciate what parents do for you, live frugally & give back (towards parents)

WC Philosophy

Live Responsibly

After hours and hours of confusing discussion we finally agreed on a philosophy for our organization “Live Responsibly”

What does Live Responsibly mean?

Living Responsibly means that you accept that you can create your own life and not just react to it. You appreciate that things happen for you and not to you.

Living responsibility allows you to choose how to respond to life’s challenges. You move into the driver seat of your life’s journey.

Living responsibly means small things done consistently.

• Taking Care of your thoughts and feelings is living responsibly

• Stopping to complain and blame is living responsibly

• Taking ownership is living responsibly

• Switching the light when you leave the room is also living responsibly

Our Stake holders are the students, parents & us. We envision our philosophy inspiring each stake holder in relation to other stake holders.

Wise Chanakya

• help kids & young adults to have the right mindset as regards money and people (towards kids)

• building an enterprise that can touch a billion lives (towards ourselves)

• share responsibility with parents in building the child’s life (towards parents)


• Be what they want the child to be / Role Models (towards child)

• Help others by enhancing the community (towards WC)

• Strive to be the best version of you (towards themselves)

Live Responsible Students


• To take responsibility of their lives (towards self)

• To apply what they learn with us & contribute to the growth of the country (towards WC community)

•Appreciate what parents do for you, live frugally & give back (towards parents)

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