Three Financial Lessons From Squirrels Stash Stuff Away Most squirrels prepare for the lean times of winter by stashing away nuts and other food. This seems like an obvious thing to do and reflects on our need always to be saving as much money as we can for our lean times.What squirrels have taught me about stashing valuable things away is that there is no perfect plan. Some squirrels like the American pine squirrel, create a MASSIVE central food stash called a midden. A midden can have a diameter of 30 feet and be several feet deep. It takes considerable […]
How can I budget in India ?by Wise Chanakya What is budgeting? A budget is an estimation of Income and Expenses over a set time like a day/week/month or year. You are not the first person who has noticed that your life is starting to get out of control! (Financially) Have you noticed that you are probably spending a lot more money than you earn from your job or business and the prime reason can be that you have not budgeted properly. You are probably getting into Debt and cannot afford a comfortable lifestyle. To solve this problem, You need […]
What exactly is Debt & when do you acquire it ? ???? Debt in simple terms is owning money from any institution or individual for any purpose. Just from this definition you can choose which side of the spectrum you want to be on. Let me explain a little about it. How Debt can be Good ? If the debt you take on HELPS you generate income and build your net worth, that can be considered positive. Here are a few things that are WORTH going into debt* 1)Your Education When you invest on your education, it's upgrading your skill […]
Net Worth means everything you own (Real Estate, Stocks, etc) less all that you owe (Loans, Credit, etc). I'm pretty sure you own & owe something out of the list. Net Worth is a helpful indicator of your financial stability. The ⬆️ Higher Net Worth you have the more ????Financially Stable you are as an individual. In ????♀️ In-short : If you have High Net Worth you are more Financially Stable and thus you have the freedom to do whatever you wish to do rather than working for money just to survive.
In simple terms Credit means the provision of money, goods, or services with the expectation of future payment. The most common way to get credit today is via Credit Cards.
Money is nothing but a tool for freedom, If you are Living to Earn Money then you are ❌ going on the wrong track. Money is a tool which makes your life better which means that you need to have enough money even when you don't work. It can only be reached when you Save Money every time you receive money.
Three Financial Lessons From Squirrels
Three Financial Lessons From Squirrels Stash Stuff Away Most squirrels prepare for the lean times of winter by stashing away nuts and other food. This seems like an obvious thing to do and reflects on our need always to be saving as much money as we can for our lean times.What squirrels have taught me about stashing valuable things away is that there is no perfect plan. Some squirrels like the American pine squirrel, create a MASSIVE central food stash called a midden. A midden can have a diameter of 30 feet and be several feet deep. It takes considerable […]